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Basic Info

Evolution Chain


Version Group:
Move Type Power Acc PP LVL
Level up
Tackle Normal 40 100 35 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3
Take Down Normal 90 85 20 28 28 28 28 28 25 25 25 29 28 28 29 29 29 25 25 24 24 24
Growl Normal 100 40 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Peck Flying 35 100 35 11 11 11 11 11 13 9 9 9 11 11 9 9 9 7 7 1 1 1
Confusion Psychic 50 100 25 34 34 34 34 34 21 21 21 21 34 34 21 21 21 10 10 9 9 9
Hypnosis Psychic 60 20 16 16 16 16 16 9 5 5 5 16 16 5 5 5 4 4 36 36 36
Reflect Psychic 20 22 22 22 22 22 17 17 17 17 22 22 17 17 17 28 28 12 12 12
Dream Eater Psychic 100 100 15 48 48 48 48 48 49 49 49 57 48 48 57 57 57 46 46 39 39 39
Foresight Normal 40 6 6 6 6 6 5 1 1 1 6 6 1 1 1 1 1
Uproar Normal 90 100 10 13 13 13 13 13 13 34 34 27 27 27
Extrasensory Psychic 80 100 20 37 37 37 45 45 45 45 22 22 21 21 21
Roost Flying 5 45 45 45 53 53 53 53 37 37 30 30 30
Psycho Shift Psychic 100 10 41 41 41 49 49 49 49 19 19 15 15
Air Slash Flying 75 95 15 29 29 29 33 33 33 33 31 31 18 18 18
Zen Headbutt Psychic 80 90 15 33 33 33 37 37 37 37 16 16
Defog Flying 15 15
Synchronoise Psychic 120 100 10 41 41 41 41 43 43
Echoed Voice Normal 40 100 15 25 25 25 25 13 13 6 6 6
Moonblast Fairy 95 100 15 40 40 33 33 33
Wing Attack Flying 60 100 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Whirlwind Normal 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Supersonic Normal 55 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Agility Psychic 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Night Shade Ghost 100 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mirror Move Flying 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sky Attack Flying 140 90 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Feint Attack Dark 60 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mean Look Normal 5 0 0
Feather Dance Flying 100 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Defog Flying 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Hurricane Flying 110 70 10 0 0
Double Edge Normal 120 100 15 0 0 0
Mimic Normal 10 0 0 0
Swift Normal 60 20 0 0 0
Dream Eater Psychic 100 100 15 0 0 0
Sky Attack Flying 140 90 5 0 0 0 0
Substitute Normal 10 0 0 0
Nightmare Ghost 100 15 0
Snore Normal 50 100 15 0 0 0
Mud Slap Ground 20 100 10 0 0 0
Endure Normal 10 0
Swagger Normal 85 15 0 0
Sleep Talk Normal 10 0 0
Twister Dragon 40 100 20 0 0
Uproar Normal 90 100 10 0 0 0 0 0
Heat Wave Fire 95 90 10 0 0 0 0 0
Magic Coat Psychic 15 0 0 0 0
Recycle Normal 10 0 0 0
Hyper Voice Normal 90 100 10 0 0 0
Air Cutter Flying 60 95 25 0 0
Roost Flying 5 0
Tailwind Flying 15 0 0 0 0
Zen Headbutt Psychic 80 90 15 0 0 0 0 0
Defog Flying 15 0
Ominous Wind Ghost 60 100 5 0 0
Dual Wingbeat Flying 40 90 10 0
Fly Flying 90 95 15 HM02 HM02 HM02 HM02 HM02 HM02 HM02 HM02 HM02 HM02 HM02 HM02 HM02 HM02 TM76 TM76 TM06 HM02 TM97
Take Down Normal 90 85 20 TM01
Psybeam Psychic 65 100 20 TM16
Toxic Poison 90 10 TM06 TM06 TM06 TM06 TM06 TM06 TM06 TM06 TM06 TM06 TM06 TM06 TM06 TM06 TM06 TM06
Psychic Psychic 90 100 10 TM29 TM29 TM29 TM29 TM29 TM29 TM29 TM29 TM29 TM29 TM29 TM29 TM29 TM29 TR11 0 TM120
Agility Psychic 30 TR12 TM04
Night Shade Ghost 100 15 TM42
Screech Normal 85 40 TM16
Double Team Normal 15 TM32 TM32 TM32 TM32 TM32 TM32 TM32 TM32 TM32 TM32 TM32 TM32 TM32 TM32 TM32 TM32 0
Confuse Ray Ghost 100 10 TM17
Haze Ice 30 TM174
Reflect Psychic 20 TM33 TM33 TM33 TM33 TM33 TM33 TM33 TM33 TM33 TM33 TM33 TM33 TM33 TM33 TM18 0 TM74
Swift Normal 60 20 TM39 TM39 TM40 TM32
Amnesia Psychic 20 TR17 TM128
Dream Eater Psychic 100 100 15 TM42 TM42 TM85 TM85 TM85 TM85 TM85 TM85 TM85 TM85 TM85 0
Flash Normal 100 20 HM05 HM05 HM05 HM05 HM05 HM05 HM05
Rest Psychic 5 TM44 TM44 TM44 TM44 TM44 TM44 TM44 TM44 TM44 TM44 TM44 TM44 TM44 TM44 TM44 TM44 TM21 0 TM85
Substitute Normal 10 TM90 TM90 TM90 TM90 TM90 TM90 TM90 TM90 TM90 TR20 0 TM103
Thief Dark 60 100 25 TM46 TM46 TM46 TM46 TM46 TM46 TM46 TM46 TM46 TM46 TM46 TM46 TM46 TM46 TM46 TM46 TM23 0 TM18
Nightmare Ghost 100 15 TM50 TM50
Snore Normal 50 100 15 TM13 TM13 TM24
Curse Ghost 10 TM03 TM03
Spite Ghost 100 10 TM177
Protect Normal 10 TM17 TM17 TM17 TM17 TM17 TM17 TM17 TM17 TM17 TM17 TM17 TM17 TM17 TM17 TM17 TM17 TM25 0 TM07
Mud Slap Ground 20 100 10 TM31 TM31
Detect Fighting 5 TM43 TM43
Endure Normal 10 TM20 TM20 TM58 TM58 TM58 TR26 0 TM47
Swagger Normal 85 15 TM34 TM34 TM87 TM87 TM87 TM87 TM87 TM87 TM87 TM87 TM87 0
Steel Wing Steel 70 90 25 TM47 TM47 TM47 TM47 TM47 TM47 TM47 TM47 TM47 TM47 TM51 TM51 TM51 TM51 TM30 0
Attract Normal 100 15 TM45 TM45 TM45 TM45 TM45 TM45 TM45 TM45 TM45 TM45 TM45 TM45 TM45 TM45 TM45 TM45 TM31 0
Sleep Talk Normal 10 TM35 TM35 TM82 TM82 TM82 TM88 TM88 TM88 TM88 TR27 0 TM70
Return Normal 100 20 TM27 TM27 TM27 TM27 TM27 TM27 TM27 TM27 TM27 TM27 TM27 TM27 TM27 TM27 TM27 TM27
Frustration Normal 100 20 TM21 TM21 TM21 TM21 TM21 TM21 TM21 TM21 TM21 TM21 TM21 TM21 TM21 TM21 TM21 TM21
Hidden Power Normal 60 100 15 TM10 TM10 TM10 TM10 TM10 TM10 TM10 TM10 TM10 TM10 TM10 TM10 TM10 TM10 TM10 TM10
Rain Dance Water 5 TM18 TM18 TM18 TM18 TM18 TM18 TM18 TM18 TM18 TM18 TM18 TM18 TM18 TM18 TM33 0 TM50
Sunny Day Fire 5 TM11 TM11 TM11 TM11 TM11 TM11 TM11 TM11 TM11 TM11 TM11 TM11 TM11 TM11 TM11 TM11 TM34 0 TM49
Psych Up Normal 10 TM77 TM77 TM77 TM77 TM77 TM77 TM77 TM77 TM77 0 TM203
Shadow Ball Ghost 80 100 15 TM30 TM30 TM30 TM30 TM30 TM30 TM30 TM30 TM30 TM30 TM30 TM30 TM30 TM30 TR33 0 TM114
Uproar Normal 90 100 10 TR35 TM191
Heat Wave Fire 95 90 10 TR36 TM118
Facade Normal 70 100 20 TM42 TM42 TM42 TM42 TM42 TM42 TM42 TM42 TM42 TM42 TM42 TM42 TM42 TM42 TM39 0 TM25
Recycle Normal 10 TM67 TM67 TM67 0
Skill Swap Psychic 10 TM98
Imprison Psychic 10 TM44 TM92
Secret Power Normal 70 100 20 TM43 TM43 TM43 TM43 TM43 TM43 TM43 TM43 TM94
Feather Dance Flying 100 15 TM216
Hyper Voice Normal 90 100 10 TR42 TM117
Air Cutter Flying 60 95 25 TM40
Silver Wind Bug 60 100 5 TM62 TM62 TM62
Aerial Ace Flying 60 20 TM40 TM40 TM40 TM40 TM40 TM40 TM40 TM40 TM40 TM40 TM40 TM40 TM40 TM40 0 TM27
Calm Mind Psychic 20 TR49 0 TM129
Roost Flying 5 TM51 TM51 TM51 TM19 TM19 TM19 TM19 0
Natural Gift Normal 100 15 TM83 TM83 TM83
Pluck Flying 60 100 20 TM88 TM88 TM88 TM88 TM88 0
Tailwind Flying 15 TM113
Air Slash Flying 75 95 15 TM95 TM65
Brave Bird Flying 120 100 15 TM164
Nasty Plot Dark 20 TR68 TM63 TM140
Zen Headbutt Psychic 80 90 15 TR69 TM59
Defog Flying 15 HM05 HM05 HM05
Captivate Normal 100 20 TM78 TM78 TM78
Round Normal 60 100 15 TM48 TM48 TM48 TM48 TM48 TM48 TM76
Echoed Voice Normal 40 100 15 TM49 TM49 TM49 TM49 TM49 TM49
Stored Power Psychic 20 100 10 TR82 TM41
Acrobatics Flying 55 100 15 TM14
Work Up Normal 30 TM83 TM83 TM01 TM01 TR85 TM10
Hurricane Flying 110 70 10 TR89 TM160
Confide Normal 20 TM100 TM100 TM100 TM100
Dual Wingbeat Flying 40 90 10 TM197
Tera Blast Normal 80 100 10 TM171


Location Detail
Eterna Forest

Walk [Time Night]

Great Marsh Area 1

Walk [Time Night]

Walk [Time Night]

Great Marsh Area 2

Walk [Time Night]

Walk [Time Night]

Great Marsh Area 3

Walk [Time Night]

Walk [Time Night]

Walk [Time Night]

Great Marsh Area 4

Walk [Time Night]

Walk [Time Night]

Walk [Time Night]

Great Marsh Area 5

Walk [Time Night]

Walk [Time Night]

Walk [Time Night]

Great Marsh Area 6

Walk [Time Night]

Walk [Time Night]

Walk [Time Night]

Sinnoh Route 205 East Towards Eterna City

Walk [Time Night]

Sinnoh Route 210 South Towards Solaceon Town

Walk [Time Night]

Sinnoh Route 210 West Towards Celestic Town

Walk [Time Night]

Walk [Time Night]

Walk [Time Night]

Sinnoh Route 211 West Towards Eterna City

Walk [Time Night]

Walk [Time Night]

Walk [Time Night]

Johto Route 29

Walk [Time Night]

Walk [Time Night]

Walk [Time Night]

Headbutt Low

Headbutt Normal

Headbutt High

Walk [Time Night]

Walk [Time Night,Radio Off]

Walk [Time Night]

Walk [Time Night,Radio Off]

Johto Route 30

Walk [Time Night]

Walk [Time Night]

Walk [Time Night]

Headbutt Low

Headbutt Normal

Headbutt High

Walk [Time Night,Radio Off]

Walk [Time Night]

Walk [Time Night]

Walk [Time Night,Radio Off]

Johto Route 31

Walk [Time Night]

Walk [Time Night]

Walk [Time Night]

Headbutt Low

Headbutt Normal

Headbutt High

Walk [Time Night]

Walk [Time Night]

Walk [Time Night,Radio Off]

Johto Route 32

Walk [Time Night]

Headbutt Low

Headbutt Normal

Headbutt High

Ilex Forest

Walk [Time Night]

Headbutt Low

Headbutt Normal

Headbutt High

Johto Route 34

Walk [Time Night]

Headbutt Low

Headbutt Normal

Headbutt High

Johto Route 35

Walk [Swarm No,Time Night]

Walk [Swarm No,Time Night]

Walk [Swarm No,Time Night]

Headbutt Low

Headbutt Normal

Headbutt High

Walk [Time Night]

Walk [Time Night]

National Park

Walk [Time Night]

Walk [Time Night]

Walk [Time Night]

Walk [Time Night]

Walk [Time Night,Radio Off]

Walk [Time Night]

Walk [Time Night,Radio Off]

Johto Route 36

Walk [Time Night]

Walk [Time Night]

Walk [Time Night]

Headbutt Low

Headbutt Normal

Headbutt High

Walk [Time Night,Radio Off]

Walk [Time Night]

Walk [Time Night,Radio Off]

Walk [Time Night]

Johto Route 37

Walk [Time Night]

Walk [Time Night]

Walk [Time Morning]

Headbutt Low

Headbutt Normal

Headbutt High

Walk [Time Night,Radio Off]

Walk [Time Night]

Walk [Time Night,Radio Off]

Johto Route 38

Headbutt Low

Headbutt Normal

Headbutt High

Johto Route 39

Headbutt Low

Headbutt Normal

Headbutt High

Johto Route 43

Walk [Time Night]

Headbutt Low

Headbutt Normal

Headbutt High

Lake Of Rage

Headbutt Low

Headbutt Normal

Headbutt High

Kanto Route 26

Headbutt Low

Headbutt Normal

Headbutt High

Kanto Route 27

Headbutt Low

Headbutt Normal

Headbutt High

Kanto Route 1

Walk [Time Night]

Walk [Time Night]

Walk [Time Night]

Walk [Swarm No,Time Night]

Walk [Time Night]

Walk [Swarm No,Time Night]

Walk [Time Night]

Kanto Route 2 South Towards Viridian City

Walk [Time Night]

Walk [Time Night]

Walk [Time Night]

Walk [Time Night]

Walk [Time Night,Radio Off]

Walk [Time Night]

Walk [Time Night,Radio Off]

Kanto Route 5

Walk [Time Night]

Kanto Route 25

Walk [Time Night]

Kanto Route 2 North Towards Pewter City

Walk [Time Night]

Walk [Time Night,Radio Off]

Walk [Time Night]

Walk [Time Night,Radio Off]

Viridian Forest

Walk [Swarm No,Time Night]

Walk [Swarm No,Time Night]

Hoenn Safari Zone Expansion South


Hoenn Safari Zone Expansion North


Lush Jungle North



Lush Jungle South



Lush Jungle West



Poke Pelago Poni Island Reached



Poke Pelago Ulaula Island Reached



Poke Pelago Elite Four Defeated

